onsdag, januari 03, 2018
Future of Water in South Africa
En vän till oss som arbetar på det internationella konsultföretaget Boston Consulting Group (BCG) har försett oss med nedan mycket intressanta information. Vi vet ju att den rådande vattenbristen i delar av Sydafrika numera tas på stort allvar och att olika strukturella aktiviteter vidtagits och andra planeras framöver. I texten nedan framgår det att man också engagerar skickliga specialister i workshops för att försöka förebygga och förbereda sig inför olika tänkbara scenarier framöver. Metoden som beskrivs nedan brukar på svenska kallas för scenarieskrivning och går ut på att man skissar upp tänkbara framtidsscenarier och "brainstormar" kring vad man behöver vidta för åtgärder vid de olika alternativen.
South Africa is facing a water crisis. 98% of available water supply is currently being used, and usage is expected to increase at an annual rate of 1%. South Africa is approaching physical water scarcity by 2025, and by 2030, demand is predicted to exceed supply by 17%. In certain areas, the situation is even more acute: the city of Cape Town could run out of water by April or May of 2018 if rain does not come as anticipated.
In collaboration with Social Impact global partner WWF, our BCG team hosted a workshop focused on the Future of Water in South Africa, bringing together ~40 key stakeholders from all over the country, active in various industries and sectors, to discuss potential scenarios – and plans – for future potential realities related to water. Through a scenario planning exercise, attendees explored implications of four scenarios, which led to the publication of our report: Scenarios for the Future of Water in South Africa. The report defines water-related goals, as well as 40 specific actions for achieving these goals, implications for stakeholders, and indicators to measure progress. The workshop succeeded in its effort to raise awareness about water scarcity, share cross-sector perspectives as well as to build momentum towards collective action. In early January, our very own Lana Mazahreh’s TED@BCG talk on this will be made available on TED’s website.
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