måndag, februari 09, 2015

ÄNTLIGEN svar om depositioner från DHA!

Idag har vi fått följande mail från den sydafrikanska ambassadören i Stockholm Ms Mandisa Dona Marasha, angående återbetalning av de visumdepositioner som gjorts i Sverige:

In response to your questions about the repatriation refund the Department of Home affairs has referred us to their website www.dha.gov.za, under immigration services you will get frequently asked questions on repatriation refunds.

This is where most of your questions will be addressed, for further enquiries you can contact Mr George Gorekwang ; Tel +27 12 4062668; email address; repatriation.refunds@dha.gov.za

KLICKA HÄR så kommer ni direkt till sidan med all information om återbetalning och även "frequently asked questions", bl a om återbetalning av deposition (repatriation refunds) för dem som kommer tillbaka till Sverige efter 28 februari.

Om man läser samtliga frågor och svar på sidan får man en klar bild av läget, där det framgår att man INTE behöver flyga hem till Sverige före den 28 februari (förutsatt att aktuellt visum har fortsatt giltighetstid), utan kan ansöka på sydafrikanska ambassaden i Stockholm om återbetalning när visumet går ut. Här kan man t ex läsa:

9. Are travellers with valid permits with expiry date beyond 28 February 2015 going to forfeit their deposits?
No, they will claim when their permits expiry or when they have changes status, or have been granted permanent residence status.
Precis under sidrubriken Repatriation Refunds finns en länk till den "form" (formulär) man ska fylla i för återbetalningen, om ni inte redan har den.
Ett andra mail har nu inkommit från ambassadören som ger ytterligare klarhet i vad som gäller. Frågor i svart text (gäller samma för Tyskland som för Sverige) och svar i blå text:

Applicants who will only depart from the Republic of South Africa after 28 February 2015 and who paid repatriation deposits at the Embassy in Berlin or Consulate-General in Munich, will still be able to claim the refund of their repatriation deposits at the Embassy when they return to Germany. 

YES, as their conditions are still valid and enforceable. Any person whose permit expires after 28 February 2015 (e.g. 5 March 2015) and he or she departs RSA to his or her country of origin, that person must apply for a refund of his or her deposit at the Mission. if such changes status in RSA or acquires PR, he or she can apply in RSA and provide relevant of change of status or PR. If a traveller is awaiting a decision on change of status or PR application, he or she does not qualify to apply until a positive decision is granted however he or she does not loose his or her deposit, unless that person overstays the period of the permit (in which case forfeiture will occur).

 According to the gazette nothing has been said about people who are still in SA with visas valid beyond the 28th of February.

The notice in the gazette correctly excludes people who have valid permits (in RSA) and deals with three categories (a) those who acquired PR, (b) those who changes status And (c) those who returned home.

If they make arrangement for people to get the refund on their behalf that would then mean they will be refunded without their passports and how will they be identified  because their passports are with them in SA. Would they be allowed to produce certified copies? Their question is why are they treated differently.

There should no such kind of arrangements.

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